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        CALL TO ORDER:  S. Young determined a quorum and called the meeting to
        order at 7:36pm.

Members Present:  J. Briody, J. Simmons, R.Carley, A. Niedzielski, B. Boodry, R. Faanes,
           B. Woerner, S. Howard, S. Ward (arrived at 7:45pm)
Also Present:  G. Walker – Friends of the Lake
Absent Members:  L. Leaden, B. Piepho, and Alexis Hawley

S. Young read a letter from B. Davidson advising LLA members of his resignation effective Monday, November 29, 2009.

S. Young stated that according to the Bylaws; Article 4, Sections 2 & 3 that he will move up to the Chairman position for the remainder of the term.

A motion was made by R. Carley, seconded by A. Niedzielski, to modify the absentee ballot to remove the Chairman Position from the ballot.  Motion was passed unanimously.

       APPROVAL OF MINUTES:   A motion was made by R. Faanes, seconded by B.Woerner to accept the minutes from the LLA Regular Meeting on November 3, 2009 as amended.  The amendments are as follows: page three, under Second Vice Chairman Report add the word marine before the words patrol season; page three, under Old Business, third sentence, should read when we subscribe to a Google provided phone number, anyone calling the number will be intercepted by Google with an auto attendant stating that you have reached LLA, please leave your message.

                CHAIRMAN’S REPORT:  Chairman Young stated that he attended a Lake Advisory Meeting on November 9, 2009 held by First Power Resources.  The main topic of discussion was overcrowding on the Lake Candlewood and what can be done about this issue.  Studies were done by First Light and Candlewood Lake Authority to measure the density, and at what point does the recreation on the lake become impacted. by the overcrowding.  Chairman Young read aloud a response he wrote to Lake Zoar explaining the process and staffing of Lake Lillinonah’s marine patrol and its successes this year.

                Chairman Young reported that the water sample taken (September 23, 2009) by L. Leaden was brought to Hydro Technologies.  The results concluded microcystis; a type of blue green algae.  Some strains of microsystis may produce toxins, under certain conditions, that can result in health problems such as skin irritation and gastrointestinal discomfort.  The recommendation was to keep an eye on the algae as it could have an impact on one’s health.  Chairman Young stated proper sample bottles have been obtained for future samples.


Lake Lillinonah Regular Meeting Minutes-December 1, 2009                Page Two


                TREASURER’S REPORT:  J. Briody stated that several contributions have been received
from area towns.  Southbury, Newtown, and Bridgewater sent in an incorrect amount.
           J. Briody will send a letter to them requesting the balance owed.  Miscellaneous income
was received from: Northeast Aquatic for K. Seeley’s services; L. Leaden and the rowers also used K. Seeley’s services for the Regatta; expenses for the month included buoys, and a payment to the Department of Revenue Services for fuel tax.  J. Briody stated that a decision needs to be made whether to continue with Provac answering service or to cancel the service.  J. Briody reported that winterization of storage has been paid and patrol salaries were paid for in November.

Election of Officers: Chairman Young stated that he received an absentee ballot from B. Piepho.  
S. Ward, Nominating Committee Member, read the slate of Officers running for position of First Vice Chairman as B. Boodry, Treasurer as J. Briody, and Second Vice Chairman as J. Simmons. A motion was made by Chairman Young, seconded by R. Carley, to approve the slate as presented.  A hand vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.  S. Young welcomed all to their new positions.

Annual Marine Report:  B. Boodry stated that this information is available on the website.
B. Boodry will send the members a PDF file with the report.  This report includes incidents, tickets, infractions, trespassing, assists, written and verbal warnings, inspections, hours cancelled due to inclement weather, contacts and investigations, authorized leave, hours cancelled due to no shows, etc.

PFD’s for Rowers:  Chairman Young stated he has received a response from E. Mariani regarding the three questions that the LLA has been waiting for answers to.  The questions were as follows:

1.  Do PFD’s have to be carried by rowers or paddlers operating high performance canoes, kayaks     or rowing shells if they are not participating in a formal race or in the final practice for a race?
Response:  “It is the vessel and not the activity that is exempt, so rowers in high performance vessels for pleasure would not be required to carry a life jacket.”

2.  Does the Connecticut regulation requiring that life jackets be worn on manually powered boats in the winter months meet the uniquely hazardous conditions that would enable enforcement of such regulations on all waters of the state?
Response:  The USCG responded, “that until they receive further information regarding our reasoning to require life jackets for this class of vessels during cold winter months.  Until we can provide this information and, if and when it is approved by the USCG, people on racing shells, rowing sculls, racing canoes and racing kayaks statewide are exempt from the requirements for carriage of any type of life jacket at any time of year.”

3.  Are the impoundments of the Housatonic River subject to U.S. Coast Guard jurisdiction?
Response:  “Since Connecticut adopted the Federal life jacket requirements by reference, it is a moot point as to whether the impoundments of the Housatonic River are subject to U.S. Coast Guard jurisdiction.  The Federal Life jacket laws apply statewide.”

Lake Lillinonah Regular Meeting Minutes-December 1, 2009                Page Three

K. Seely will be notified by the LLA that PFD’s are not required for crew shells.  Chairman Young will forward a copy of the synopsis from E. Mariani’s response.

Phone Answering System:  J. Simmons stated that he has applied for a Google phone number, but has not received one yet.  He suggested that before switching over to Google voice, it should be tested before canceling Provac.  He will test first to be sure it works to satisfaction and will report to the LLA members at next month’s meeting, and vote on eliminating the current service.  J. Simmons reported that the Google phone number can be listed in the national directory services.  

G. Walker, Friends of the Lake, stated he is planning to have a joint executive meeting with Lake Lillinonah Authority in January/February 2010.  Chairman Young asked G. Walker if he could put
in a request to seek follow up information regarding the complaint that was filed with FERC?  The questions are:  has the complaint been read, is there been a response, or will there be a response, or is there an action?  G. Walker stated that J. Tinley is focusing on this.  

J. Simmons stated that he has created a Google Apps account for the LLA members, which members can post documents to.  Members can retrieve and review the documents.  This account is for members only and also has a calendar function so members can be notified of upcoming meetings and respond if they will be attending or not.  Documents can be editable or as a read only document.  Each member will have a Gmail account with an ID and password to access Google Apps.  . There is no cost for this service.  J. Simmons will set up the accounts and email information to the members.

A. Niedzielski will call to find out the date and time of the Debris Advisory Committee meeting.

R. Carley stated that he has been attending the Wetland Commission meetings in Newtown in regards to the trash removal site; the transfer station (located before the railroad tracks in Newtown) to be put on Pond Brook  The lumber yard, which they purchased, will be turned into a massive transfer station.  The Army Corps of Engineers is going to be involved as well as Chris Murphy and Dick Blumenthal.   R. Carley also stated that there are plastic barriers placed one foot from the water which can be a hazardous situation in polluting Pond Brook.  R. Carley reported that the water should be tested.  R. Carley said he would attend future meetings and report back to the members next month.

A motion was made by S. Ward, seconded by B. Woener to adjourn the meeting.  Motion was passed unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:43pm.

Lake Lillinonah Authority Proposed Budget 2010/11
rev 11-7-09


approved budget
proposed budget
        Telephone & answering service
        Other contingency costs
                Administrative total
Water Quality
        Water treatment programs
        Fish stocking
        Federal 319 grant – water testing
                Water Quality total
        Patrol salaries & payroll taxes
        Payroll processing & tax filing
        Patrol telephone
        Gas & oil
        Equipment supplies & repairs
                Patrol total
Capital Equipment
        Addition to capital reserve
                Capital Equipment total
REVENUE – contributions from 6 towns
        full share (all towns except Roxbury)
        half share (Roxbury)